Engine Clarification Mono 2000 and Mono 2000 Classic
Piedrafita Spanish F3 Engine
The Monoposto Racing Club has approved the use of the above engine with immediate effect, subject to the following conditions:
1. There must be a 25mm air restrictor fitted to the induction system at all times the car is competing in an MRC event
2. The engine must comply with the current F3Cup regulations on induction vacuum, notably:
“The material for the air box is free providing that it is not porous. The total air box system must be capable of sustaining a vacuum of ‘3 inches’ of mercury when using a pump drawing a maximum of 0.9 cubic feet per minute of free air. In the event of a failure of the vacuum pump test the following secondary test will be offered to the competitor concerned. With the engine at tick over, when putting a plug on the air restrictor of the intake system, the engine shall be stopped in less than 2 seconds. Declining the secondary test will be considered as a failure to comply. Any device or construction that is designed to adjust or alter the size, shape or length of the inlet tract/trumpets, or improve airflow, operated by any manner (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic or pneumatic) whilst the car and engine are in use, is prohibited under all circumstances. The engine shall have no mechanism which is capable of adjusting the valve timing following a mechanical, hydraulic pneumatic or electrical input whilst the engine is in operation.”
MRC January 23rd 2015