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Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:16 am
by Cscott
Hello, just a genral wondering at the moment, when Mono has a double header, like Snett, is it possible to have one driver do one race and one the next?

Obviously at Spa this is fine but there are two practice sessions where as at Snett there is only one.

The reason I ask is my dad was planning to do the SEMSEC Single Seater Championship this year with me doing Mono, trouble is the first round on Saturday has attracted a grand total of 4 cars! This is not SEMSECs fault, they are a cracking club but with people not coming out to play there is little or no enjoyment.

As I said only a wondering at the moment.

Chris Scott

Re: Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:47 am
by andrewcliffe

Ian and Sara did this last year, but how it would work with only one practise session I don't know.

Re: Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:19 am
by omsracer
Chris, All mono double headers are constructed so that you can enter one day or the other or both. Therefore there is a practice on each day for each race and therefore, unless something has changes since we arranged the meting with MSVR you should be fine to race one day and your dad the next.


Re: Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:34 am
by andrewcliffe
I think it was said at the AGM that Mallory is an exception. In order to get three grids (short circuit, smallish grid capacity, lots of entrants), then something had to give and it would be one practice per grid with 2nd time counting for the 2nd race. Have I interpreted it correctly?

Re: Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:21 pm
by Cscott
Thanks for the replies, I didn't realise there were two practice sessions, if the old man doesn't fancy driving I better work on the fitness!

Anyway thanks again, Chris

PS Great Photos Andrew, Great Videos Tristan.

Re: Two drivers, possible?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:28 pm
by Paperman
As currently arranged all Mono Championship Double Headers have a practice and a race on each day, so you can enter only one day or share the car over two days if you wish. It costs £180 for a single race, so if two people share one car it costs £360 rather than £295 for two races (the extra cost covers admin and the MSA per capita charge)

The Mallory Championship Double Header on 29/30 August may run to a different format. If the entry structure allows we may decide to run three grids (Mono 2000/Classic, Mono 1800/1600, and Mono 1400/1000) In this case there will be only one qualifying session for each grid, with fastest time deciding grid position for Race 1 and second fastest deciding position for Race 2. This keeps the costs down for running three grids, but does mean you can't have the one-race or car-share optioon . We will decide whether to run Mallory like this after Snetterton, which gives a lot of notice for everyone.

Of the non championship races:
- Spa has separate quals/races so two drivers can share a car, one qual and race each
- Mallory 25 July is a single grid, single header
- Silverstone GP has a single grid with one qual and two races

Simon Davey
Monoposto Club Administrator