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We finally finished the car

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:39 pm
by tristancliffe
It's been a huge team effort, but we were finally ready to roll out our 2009 challenger. The weather wasn't too bad either. Only did a quick installation lap because I couldn't be bothered to do any more. :D

P.S. We might have interpreted the engine regs a bit differently to everyone else, but didn't go as far as fitting it with variable valve timing :oops:

Re: We finally finished the car

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:05 pm
by Hasbeen
Just a couple of problems I think. Dimensions -John Atkinson wont like that rear wing - too high-; the ride height needs adjusting - too low; I assume from the noise that you are running in Mono 1400 and carbon tubs aren't allowed unless 4 years old or more!
Still, its a nice paint job and the steering wheel looks to conform.

Re: We finally finished the car

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:37 pm
by tristancliffe
Not a problem. In proper Chapman style we'll be supplying our own rules, measuring sticks and ride height gauges that will show it complies. Using the 'official' measures won't be allowed.

Nope, it's for 2000s. We've just, err, managed to find an engine that revs quite high.

The carbon tub is four years older. I have a nice home made chassis plate that proves it.

Gear shifts aren't sequential (and anyway, they don't give any advantage, honest), and we can fit an additional silencer for those hard-to-pass-noise-testing tracks.

The steering wheel is a bit silly - all the buttons are fakes to trick the others. But don't tell them ;)

Re: We finally finished the car

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:20 pm
by Hasbeen
Ah! OK! should be no problem then. It will certainly sound nice out there on the 2000 grid and I like the colour.