Monoposto Racing Club - Future Management and Administration

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Monoposto Racing Club - Future Management and Administration

Post by RedRedWine »

After six energetic and hugely successful years, running the Monoposto Racing Club (MRC) racing and social programme, Simon Davey has announced his intention to step down from the role at the end of 2014. The Board wishes to record its thanks for the outstanding contribution made by Simon to the Club's success in that time and is confident that all members will join in thanks.

To protect the long term interests of the club and to allow greater scope to expand our future activities, the MRC Board has decided to divide the future management & administrative activities into two roles:

1 A Sporting Services Manager will be recruited to take responsibility for championship co-ordination and day-to-day club operational management.

2 Race entry and membership administration. The Board intends to outsource these activities to a suitable organisation.

Recruitment to these two important areas will begin without delay. The Board has a clear idea of the most suitable recruitment process for both roles, but if any members wish to be considered for either or both roles, or have knowledge of suitable organisations that could shoulder the administrative duties, please contact Jonathan Baggott via email:
Tony Cotton
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Re: Monoposto Racing Club - Future Management and Administra

Post by AVIT! »

Very sad news indeed!
I feel it's going to be very difficult to fill Simons shoes.
Good luck in the future Simon and thank you from AVIT! Motorsport.
Avit! motorsport taking club racing back to its routes by beating wallets on a small budget!

triple j motorsport
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Re: Monoposto Racing Club - Future Management and Administra

Post by triple j motorsport »

Could not have put it better Ewen

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Re: Monoposto Racing Club - Future Management and Administra

Post by stevenconnor »

Thanks to everyone who helped get me through my first day on the job at Snetterton yesterday. Special mention to Emma Cliffe for, well lots of things that helped!

Detailed report to go onto Startline... but the quick summary is ... Wow, I had no idea how much work Simon was doing in the background to make our meetings run so well, now I have a much clearer idea of the challenge that faces me - and I can still smile about it!

Hope to see you at Brands either next week during the Festival (drop in for a tea or coffee if you spot my truck/awning) or much more importantly at our Mono Winter event on 22nd and 23rd November - spaces still available!


Steven Connor

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